First public presentation of the new film and robotic sound installation ‘Between the Lines’ (work in progress). Première of the live performance Natura Rebellis at O. (Festival for Opera. Music. Theatre.) and V2_ Lab for Unstable Media with new composition of composer Henry Vega.
‘Between the Lines’ (2024, work in progress)
The film and robotic sound installation ‘Between the Lines’ focuses on the effects of climate change in the forests of the Zone Rouge in the North East of France. It relates to the ongoing struggle to deal with the aftermath and remnants of WWI within the global climate crisis, which impacted this particular landscape on a monumental scale. An essay film and an orchestra of robotic drummers using trunks from the forest in Verdun as instruments will engage with these issues stimulatingly. (25 min.)
Opening hours V2_ (free entrance)
Saturday 18 May: 12:00 – 18:30
Sunday 19 & Monday 20 May: 12:00 – 15:30 & 16:30 – 18:30
Tuesday 21 t/m Friday 24 May: 17:00 – 20:00
Saturday 25 May: 12:00 – 20:00
‘Natura Rebellis’ (2024)
The performance ‘Natura Rebellis’ builds on the installation ‘Between the Lines’ with artificial drummers who beat the dead tree trunks from the Verdun forest. This forest holds a special place for us as an example of a poisoned forest brought on by human conflicts while witnessing nature’s attempts to reclaim it in its own way. The performance highlights our conflicting nature while revealing our capabilities to live in harmony. (25 min.)
‘Natura Rebellis’ Performances at V2_:
Saturday 18 May at 16:00
Saturday 18 May at 19:00
Sunday 19 May at 16:00
Sunday 19 May at 19:00
Monday 20 May at 16:00
Monday 20 May at 19:00
V2_ Lab for Unstable Media
Eendrachtsstraat 10, 3012 XL Rotterdam, Netherlands
‘Between the Lines’ (2024 – work in progress)
Directed by: Marjolijn Dijkman
Sound Composition: Henry Vega
Cinematography & Editing: Marjolijn Dijkman
Assistant Editing: Léo Ghysels
Production Sculptural Installation: Marjolijn Dijkman, Wim Dijkman
Production and Development Robotics: Lukas Pol
Tree Trunks Donated by: National Forestry Office (ONF) Verdun
Archival Images: Documentation Center – Verdun Memorial, Private Collection
Aerial LiDAR Images: National Forestry Office (ONF) Verdun
Supported by: Deep Histories Fragile Memories, Luca School of Arts / Leuven University, Mondrian Fund, National Forestry Office (ONF) Verdun, V2_Lab for Unstable Media
Thanks to: Orlando Aguilar Velazquez, Isabelle Bergot (Verdun Memorial), Wim & Els Dijkman, Sebastiaan Helbers, Wendy Morris, Rebecca Theeuwsen, Guillaume Rouard (ONF Verdun), Maarten Vanden Eynde, Noël Varoqui
‘Natura Rebellis’ (2024)
Concept: Marjolijn Dijkman
Composer: Henry Vega
Text: Henry Vega
Vocalists: Anat Spiegel, Kevin Walton, Jannes Coessens
Performed together with the installation ‘Between the Lines’