Phonic Somnia

Phonic Somnia is a long durational listening event initiated by Nele Möller that takes place at QO2 in Brussels over the night of April 5, starting at 18h and ending at 11h on the morning of April 6.

We will gather to listen and think with a live audio stream from a bark beetle-infested site in the Thuringian Forest in Germany. The forest stream was installed in the summer of 2023 to transmit the changing acoustic environment of the forest, which is slowly disappearing as a result of the beetle infestation.

We will start to listen with the sunset and end after the dawn chorus the next day–the two moments when the forest soundscape is the most active. Together, we will explore what it means to listen collectively, remotely, consciously and subconsciously through different modalities of sound and time.

The forest stream will run throughout the whole duration of the event, while different performances and talks will interact with the live acoustics of the forest. You are welcome to join us for the entire event or parts of it. Please register if you want to participate in the sleeping part of the night (from 02h00 until the morning). We only have a limited number of sleeping places.


18h open doors

18h30 – 19h00 Introduction

19h00 – 19h30 Guided Listening Exercise

19h30 – 20h00 Concert Adia Vanheerentals

20h30 – 21h30  Talk and listening session w Lia Mazzari

22h – 23h Jacob Dwyer ‘A thousand Dead Beetles’

23h – 00h Concert Roxane Metayer

00h – 02h00 Live-stream mix and reading stories

02h00 – 10h00 Sleeping Time

10h00 – 11h00 Breakfast, collective sharing and discussion

Follow Nele Möller:
Nele Möller (°1990) is an artist and researcher working primarily in sound, video, performance, and radio. Her focus is on forest conversations, historical nature inscriptions, and listening practices. In October 2021 she started her PhD project ‘The Forest Echoes Back’ at KU Leuven/LUCA Schoof of Arts Brussels, under supervision of Wendy Morris and embedded in the research cluster Deep Histories Fragile Memories.