Laurens Dhaenens participates in the conference De-/Centering World Fairs, organized at Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte, Paris. For the full program see: https://raltac.hypotheses.org/2437. He will present the paper Sympathy or strategy? A close look at the Belgian exhibitions of modern and contemporary art organized in Argentina in 1946 and 1948. As the title specifies, the focus of the paper is on two Belgian art exhibitions that took place in Buenos Aires in 1946 and 1948: the Exposición de arte belga moderno and the Exposición de arte belga contemporáneo. The study offers a detailed analysis of the institutional context and discourse surrounding both exhibitions from a Belgian viewpoint. Specifically, it delves into the roles of Louis Piérard, the Argentine Commission for Intellectual Cooperation, the Belgian community in Buenos Aires, and the Belgian ministries of Foreign Affairs and Public Education. As such, it unravels the meaning and impact of the exhibitions in a post-war context and demonstrates how these exhibitions reflect Belgium’s evolving approach to international cultural diplomacy. The full paper will be published in the MODOS Journal for Art History (link will follow soon).