The Artistic Research Project is a new program of the Middelheim Museum in which artists are invited to embed their research in the Museum.
The Museum invites artists for the period of a year to explore research questions that relate both to their own practices and to the space, place and history of the Museum. Wendy Morris and Gosie Vervloessem are the artist researchers in residence for the 2023 edition, Reading the Landscape.
The first edition of the ARP runs parallel to the new collection presentation 2023 in which nature and art are viewed as inseparable. Since 1950 the park has too frequently been considered a passive green backdrop to artworks. How can a new and more active relation be encouraged between museum, visitor and the landscape? How can artists steer our thinking about and with the landscape? Which narratives will come to the fore and how can we relate, covet and develop these? The artists engage with these questions through their work. The working title of the edition 2023 is ‘Reading the Landscape’.