13.10.2024: Waker, Slaper, Dromer, Bierum, NL

‘Waker, Slaper, Dromer’ (Watcher, Sleeper, Dreamer) is a series of three walks named after the poetic names and functions of dike systems in the Netherlands. These walks are organized by visual artist Marjolijn Dijkman as part of her WaterLANDS artist residency (2023-2026), which focuses on ecological restoration and depoldering in the context of the Ems-Dollard estuary in the North of the Netherlands.

During the first joint walk, ‘De Waker’ (The Watcher), together with artist Marjolijn Dijkman, botanical archeologist Mans Schepers and landscape philosopher Eric Brinckmann, we look at elements in the newly shaped Twin Dyke landscape and the broader context of the estuary and interpret it from the perspective of the watcher in a broad sense.

How does this newly formed landscape affect our relationship with this environment and the uncontrolled estuary beyond the dikes? What can we learn from this new landscape, and how does it relate to the past of Groningen with mound communities that lived in the salt marshes? (Dutch only)… Read More