Does sex matter? Women artists and gender diversity in museums and the art world.
Study day March 8, 2023 at the Yper Museum

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Louise De Hem, De zwarte kat, 1902 (Stedelijk Museum Ieper)

Laurens Dhaenens was invited to participate in a study day on gender diversity and museum collections. A brief report of the talks and discussions can be found on the FARO website here.

The program:

10.30Openingsperformance Hind Eljadid 
10.30De geschiedenis van tentoonstellingen over vrouwelijke kunstenaars | Vraaggesprek met Marjan Sterckx (UGent) en Tom Verschaffel (KU Leuven) 
11.15Praktijkgetuigenis: tentoonstellingen maken over vrouwelijke kunstenaars. Panelgesprek: Hannelore Franck (Yper Museum), Chiel Vandenberghe (CC De Steiger), Marjan Sterckx (UGent) en Virginie Devillez (Mu.ZEE) 
12.00Vrouwelijke kunstenaars in museale collecties. Panelgesprek met  Iris Paschalidis (SMAK), Ilse Roosens (Mu.ZEE), Laurens D’haenens (KU Leuven en LUCA School of Art)
14.00Geleid bezoek in tentoonstelling LOUISE/EDITH. Op handen gedragen
15.00Genderdiversiteit in de kunstwereld vandaag | Panelgesprek met Els Wuyts (curator), Jo Coucke (zelfstandig kunsthistoricus), Olivia Hernaïz (kunstenaar) en Indra Devriendt (freelance schrijver over actuele beeldende kunst), gemodereerd door Jonas Roelens (UGent) 
16.00Conclusie van de dag | Sandrin Coorevits (Yper Museum)
16.15Compilatiegedicht van de dag door Hind Eljadid

All images Copyright FARO

Follow Laurens Dhaenens:
Laurens Dhaenens is a lecturer and researcher at the LUCA School of Arts and a senior postdoctoral fellow of the Flemish Research Fund FWO at the University of Leuven. His research is situated in the fields of exhibition studies, global/worldly art history and digital humanities. Overall, it looks at the circulation of artists, artworks and texts at the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. He obtained his PhD in Art History in 2017 with the study Writing Art into Being. The Imaginary Creation of The Argentinian Art Scene in Late Nineteenth-Century Art Criticism that deals with the development of the discourse about art in Argentina at the end of the nineteenth century. His current project, Beyond the Canon: A Digital Art Historical Approach to the International Circuit of Belgian Modern Art Exhibitions in the First Half of the Twentieth Century studies the international circulation of Belgian art, the creation of the modern art canon and the assessment of dormant heritage in national fine arts collections. Dhaenens is also active as a curator. In 2021-2022, he curated together with dr. Fernanda Pitta the exhibition Henrique Alvim Correa and 10 contemporary artists (Netwerk Aalst & Pinacoteka de Sao Paulo) that brought together fin-de-siècle drawings, popular culture and politics. In 2022, he co-curated Transatlantic Modernisms. Belgium-Argentina 1910-1958 (Mu.Zee) that looked at the development of modern art from a different geocultural perspective.